Good news for all TIN* students! Bielefeld University has finally made it easier to change the name on your UniCard. In this mail, we’ve summarized the most important updates for the “Rufnamen” (‘called name’) change, as well as where and how you can do just that.
First, PRISMA. This is the system that feeds into:
– the electronic course management system (eKvv) and the BIS (except for the “Prüfungsverwaltung” /exam management)
– electronic study platforms (‘Lernraum’ & Moodle)
– E-Exams
– web authentification /Shibboleth (Zoom, Panopto, sciebo, …)
– library account
You are currently not able to change your first name in the system (just your “Rufname”), lecturers won’t be able to see your government name anymore (just the name you put in as “Rufname”). This is basically it!
A more extensive explaination (in German) can be found here:
And, of course, we are thrilled to announce that you can finally change the name on your unicard (without any expalination, additional paperwork or inofficial ID, such as the DGTI-ID.) Your first name change + new unicard will be free of charge, but every change after that will come with a fee. But it’s fairly easy to do. After you changed your “Rufname” on your PRISMA account to your preferred name, you can order a new card on the prisma subpage ‘unicard’. Make sure to tick the box “Rufnamen verwenden” (‘use my preffered name’). You will have to agree to the terms and conditions about potential risks tro relief the university of any liability. Here’s a more detailed how-to:
You can also request a new uni email address on your prisma account. This is done in the same subpage as the name change (this time the “Anzeigename”/ display name). This step might take some time, since the BITS has to approve the request. Again, there is a more extensive explaination (in German) here:
If you have any questions or problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! (We are very friendly):